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What is the current location of Artur Lorenz (age 39)?

A German man residing in Portugal for multiple months desired to go back to Germany around May. However, Artur Lorenz (39 years old) has now vanished without a trace. His relatives are desperately searching for him, as there have been no phone calls or signs of him.

Artur Lorenz wird seit dem 4. Mai in Portugal vermisst
Artur Lorenz wird seit dem 4. Mai in Portugal vermisst

Person disappeared in Portugal back in May. - What is the current location of Artur Lorenz (age 39)?

What's the hometown of the person from Heilbronn? His relatives are looking for him all over Europe. "Artur vanished on May 4th. He'd been working remotely in Portugal for a while and modified his white Mercedes Vito for this purpose. But he stopped answering calls or WhatsApp messages - his phone was off."

"We knew something must've gone wrong. He didn't simply vanish. The Portuguese police, whom we immediately informed, weren't very helpful at first. They let us down."

So the family put out a call for assistance on social media. Artur's sister Sabine Schell shares: "Due to the tremendous help of thousands of individuals across Europe who shared our flyer and actively searched, we discovered some useful details and forwarded them to the police."

Mit diesem

"We learned Artur was last seen at Miradouro Santa Luzia's parking lot in Viseu. People spotted him and his camper van, and even took pictures of him in the backdrop. We think he was assaulted and slain that night because his phone or any other signs of life haven't surfaced since then. At the location where his vehicle was last seen on May 4th, smashed windshield glass was discovered."

Adding to the misery, the family received heartbreaking news that Artur's car was located - it was charred in the forest. The police are investigating. Mastel complains: "They didn't even inform us that the car had been found. We only found out about it ten days later via a post on our flyer."

Das letzte

The family's convinced it wasn't a suicide. The cousin says: "He had so many ambitions. He'd never commit suicide. We think he was assaulted and slain."

His sister is distraught: "The uncertainty and continual search are the worst for us: Where is my sibling? What happened to him?"

Der ausgebrannte Van des Mannes wurde in einem Waldstück entdeckt

They're also concerned about the lack of communication: "We receive little to no info from the Portuguese police. We're also not receiving any help from German authorities or the embassy to apply pressure on the Portuguese police and get info."

Send information to the email address: [email protected].

Nach dem Fund des ausgebrannten Wagens hat die Polizei in Portugal endlich die Ermittlungen aufgenommen

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