Immobilization following the descent - What is Cologne anticipating?
It's been five days since Heidenheim's 1:4 win and the club's descent into the second division. But club officials are still mum about their plans moving forward. No word on their coach or the makeup of the squad.
Fans aren't the only ones asking questions: what is FC waiting for?
There's been talk of acceptance, promising a fresh start. Schultz stated, "We'll analyze everything soberly. The next few days will reveal what happens next." Christian Keller (45) also guaranteed, "We'll assemble a strong team around Mark Uth in the second division."
But since then, there's been silence at Geissbockheim...
Schultz's time is up
By now, this is clear: Schultz had three wins in 18 games. He couldn't handle the team's deficiencies (lack of strikers, leading players' failures, and extreme insecurity). With him, a new beginning seems impossible.
Players waiting for answers
Pros are eager to know their fate. The first top player, Jeff Chabot (26), has departed, likely for Stuttgart. Six other pros have release clauses. Keller needs to convince them to stay despite the relegation, but even a week later, he can't tell them who will be their coach.
What is Cologne's strategy?
The fans wonder. But it appears the slow FC approach may be a sign that the higher-ups still don't grasp the seriousness of the situation—despite relegation and the transfer ban.

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