Divine blessing for journeys is celebrated in Marburg. - Wedding ceremonies for 28 couples took place during a thunderstorm.
At the Elisabeth Church in Marburg, Pastor Ulrich Hilzinger (60) is hosting impromptu weddings and blessings from 10 am on Saturday with no prior registration needed, resulting in his seeking assistance from nine other pastors. "We've been flooded by the response," he says at lunchtime. "This initiative has been an immense success," adds the church district.
A married couple, Melanie Hassler (41) and Matthias Spies (40) from Biedenkopf, who had no engagement rings, no bouquets, kept their wedding plans a secret, and experienced a challenging time, now express their joy.

The age range of the bridal couples goes from their early twenties to nearly eighty. After a 30-minute discussions, a church service with music, cake, coffee, and sparkling wine are all provided. Couples of all genders are welcome at the altar. While church weddings are only possible if one spouse is Protestant and they have been lawfully married in a civil setting.

"We're both Catholic. My husband has been divorced before, and it's wonderful that we can still say 'I do' in the church," explain Veronica Barbin (35, a recruiter) and Nicola Di Mauro (35, a plant mechanic) from Giessen.

Katrin (46) and Volker Schreck (48) from Münchhausen met at the YMCA (Christian Association of Young People), got married civilly a few days back, and spontaneously decided to hold a religious ceremony. Volker tells: "I proposed to her in the car. She was driving and couldn't say no."

A personal gesture from God

Pastor Hilzinger comments, "Receiving God's blessing is a deeply personal affair. You don't need a party for it." He later returns to the portal of St. Elisabeth's Church to unite four last-minute couples after brief but thorough conversations.
One groom asks, "If not now, then when?" and shares a kiss with his bride, whom he fondly nicknames "Snow White."
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Source: symclub.org