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Wasn't Reiß aware of the penalty shootout?

In the 87th minute of the U19 semi-final for the German championship between Hertha BSC and Borussia Dortmund, Hertha's coach Oliver Reiß (41) unexpectedly replaced both experienced players Bence Dardai (18) and Oliver Rölke (19). With the score tied at 3-3, one would assume that these reliable...

Hertha coach Oliver Reiß seems to have gambled against Dortmund
Hertha coach Oliver Reiß seems to have gambled against Dortmund

Taking Part in Hertha's U19 Matches - Wasn't Reiß aware of the penalty shootout?

Several people were taken aback by these alterations...

Yet, there are rumors in the coaching environment at Hertha that Reiß wasn't aware of an instant penalty shoot-out following regular time. He is supposed to have believed there would be additional time, similar to men's soccer, and thus replaced two powerful players to have the ability to press when outnumbered.

As opposed to Dardai and Rölke, Reiß fielded two inexperienced U17 individuals during the penalty shoot-out, one of whom missed. Borussia converted all their penalties and advanced to the final against Hoffenheim with an 8-7 victory.

Reiß had not allowed for any penalty kick rehearsals beforehand

Reiß apparently didn't anticipate the penalty shoot-out. Prior to kick-off, he candidly told the Sky reporter: "I didn't practise any penalty shoot-outs. I didn't even think about it."

This clearly resulted in critical errors eventually.

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