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Visualize your child being gone for seven years then suddenly returning.

Till's whereabouts are unknown. Why did he flee? Has he lost contact? Is he okay?

Till (21) in the garden of his parents' house with his mother Rosa Maria (64)
Till (21) in the garden of his parents' house with his mother Rosa Maria (64)

Back to Bavaria for Till - Visualize your child being gone for seven years then suddenly returning.

For seven long years, Till's parents, Rosa Maria (64) and Erwin (64), lived with immense anguish. Their son, Till (now 21), fled from their small Bavarian town of Markt Bibart at the age of 15 due to constant bullying in school. He never revealed his distress to his parents. On September 17, 2017, he vanished unexpectedly at around 6:30 am. It wasn't until May 5, 2024, around 11:30 pm, that he returned home.

What kind of effect did this have on his parents?

Till escaped, boarded a train to Lower Saxony to be with a friend. There, he reported to youth welfare office. The officials decided to send him alone back home via train. Till refused to return. He disembarked in Düsseldorf and went into hiding. For about seven years, he managed to sustain himself in Düsseldorf, eventually moving to Berlin. In the capital, he illegally worked as a laborer and shared a one-room apartment with two friends on the outskirts.

Till (now 21) is back home

"The people chattered about us and propelled us through it. It wasn't a straightforward journey. It was also tough because Till didn't keep in touch with his siblings throughout the years."

Rosa Maria (64): "I never let myself believe that he might be deceased. I continuously believed: Till is still alive! My deepest aspiration was to embrace my youngest son once more."

The police used this picture to search for the missing teenager for years

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