Upon coming back to the 3rd division - VfB's youthful players host exuberant promotion celebration
Over the weekend, VfB Stuttgart experienced double joy. They finished second in the professional division and achieved promotion for their U21 team to the third division. This victory came eight years after a devastating 2016 event in which both the youngsters and professionals were demoted.
Coach Markus Fiedler (38) and the U21 team are thrilled with the accomplishment. His sports director, Fabian Wohlgemuth (45), also shares in the excitement, expressing, "The U21 promotion is an excellent cherry on top of an already successful year. Our players have performed admirably. Now, with the third division, we'll have a solid base for progress."
Jubilant VfB Stuttgart players and coaching staff could not contain their delight following a 2:0 win against TSG Hoffenheim II combined with the defeat of local rivals Stuttgarter Kickers (0:3 in Homburg). The champions took over the pitch for a wild celebration, while star player and top scorer Dejan Galjen (22) triumphantly declared: "This is surreal. It's hard to believe. What a fantastic ending for us! Let's see what tonight holds. Right now, let's just celebrate!"
As predicted, the celebration continued. The U21 players, adorned in championship shirts, flip-flops, and clutching cold drinks, joined the professionals at AMICI, a popular bar at Stuttgart's main station. They partied deep into the night, holding the third division trophy high, marking the occasion with glee and lasting memories.

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Source: symclub.org