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Verdi's leader rules out space for those with AfD views.

Trade unions, unlike religious institutions, are not popular organizations. Thus, it's challenging to dismiss committed members affiliated with the AfD party. However, Frank Werneke finds no other choice.

"Anyone who subscribes to AfD positions and represents the party's platform has no place with us,"...
"Anyone who subscribes to AfD positions and represents the party's platform has no place with us," says Frank Werneke.

Hiring Manager - Verdi's leader rules out space for those with AfD views.

Much like Diakonie's President Rüdiger Schuch, Verdi Leader Frank Werneke won't allow AfD supporters in their ranks. Werneke spoke with Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) and shared his concerns, asserting that "anyone who aligns with AfD beliefs and backs their ideologies has no place with us."

He explained their mission for a diverse society that is respectful and accepting. Contrasting it with AfD's actions, Werneke noted "their behavior is the complete opposite." As an example, they've initiated disciplinary measures against a staff council member who is both a Hanover city councilor and member of the city's waste disposal company.

Werneke cautioned against the escalating influence of right-wingers, who are attempting to gain control in workplace and staff elections. He commented on the complex procedures involved in removing someone from a trade union, which are comparable to party expulsion processes. But he emphasized, "We're trying to prohibit AfD from gaining a foothold within companies. Every trade union needs to participate in this discussion more actively."

Werneke additionally added the potential adverse effects if AfD had victory in the eastern German local and district elections, "Several districts could adopt AfD, which is concerning since that implies the AfD would become an employer. As mayor or district administrator, they'll infiltrate and place their personnel in the administration of municipal corporations."

Similarly, Diakonie Presidents Schuch stated yesterday that anyone affiliated with AfD has no place in the Protestant charity organization. Differing somewhat from trade unions, several religious institution fund recipients maintain "tendency enterprises" and have more flexibility in choosing their employees.

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