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Vehicle crash: Bus impacts car

A vehicle collision took place on May 29, 2024, at approximately 4:00 p.m., involving a bus and a car along Tumringer Straße (L141) in Lörrach.

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Lorrach - Change in Leadership: New Person to Head the City - Vehicle crash: Bus impacts car

A row of cars sat in the lane leading to the B317, preparing to make a right turn. A 33-year-old bus driver, heading the same way, backed up and bumped into a VW that belonged to a 44-year-old man. The damages are estimated to cost around 8,000 euros. Thankfully, no one was hurt during the collision. The bus passengers were transferred to a new bus before law enforcement arrived.

The Weil am Rhein Traffic Police are asking anyone who witnessed the incident or was a passenger on the bus to contact them at 07621 9800-0.

This story is an unofficial retelling of a government-issued statement and was created using artificial intelligence.

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