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Vandals create spray paint art on nature reserve

Near Rathen in Saxon Switzerland stands a stunningly beautiful sandstone cliff formation. Unfortunately, these natural wonders have been marred by vandals who have spray-painted over six meters of rock.

Graffiti in Saxon Switzerland
Graffiti in Saxon Switzerland

The Beautiful Landscape of Saxon Switzerland - Vandals create spray paint art on nature reserve

Three giant blue and pink tags, measuring roughly two meters in height, can be clearly seen from Rathen train station, approximately 500 meters away and only 250 meters from the popular Bastei Bridge.

Hanspeter Mayr (60), the national park's spokesperson, shared his dismay, "We're completely shocked and plan to have this graffiti removed as soon as possible."

Geological Wonders in the Making

It's a daunting task for the experts due to the challenging accessibility of the site. The paint needs to be manually removed before the damage can be assessed. Mayr reassured, "We'll erase the paint without harming the rock using chemical agents."

The rocks predominantly consist of sandstone, and these unusual formations were shaped about 100 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. Yearly, 1.7 million people visit the national park in Saxony's Elbe Sandstone Mountains.

The perpetrators left behind three

The perpetrators left their mark with their distinctive graffiti tags.

Graffiti Vandalism in Saxon Switzerland

This isn't the first case of such vandalism in Saxon Switzerland. Mayr mentioned, "Graffiti like this has occurred elsewhere but never on this scale. In the past, we've managed to have the paint removed swiftly."

Despite the technical and logistical challenges, the plan is to have the graffiti removed by the following week if possible.

The path over the Elbe is very narrow

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