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Van catches fire in parking area

This afternoon, a van went up in flames completely within a parking lot on the A2, yet no one was harmed.

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Hanover: Location for A2 - Van catches fire in parking area

Around 3:04 p.m., emergency operators in Hanover received multiple calls about a burning van on the A2 highway between the Langenhagen and Bothfeld interchanges. The local firefighters and the Vinnhorst fire department responded to the scene and confirmed significant smoke production. As a result, Fire and Rescue Station 2 dispatched a massive fire truck capable of carrying 10,000 liters of extinguishing water to the freeway.

Upon arrival at the Vahrenheide parking lot, the responding fire crews found the van fiercely ablaze, with the fire dangerously close to spreading to the surrounding plants. They managed to avert this by rapidly using firefighting hoses, at which point they could confirm the fire had been extinguished by 3:29 p.m. Unfortunately, the fire department has not been able to determine what caused the blaze or the scale of the damages, leaving these questions unanswered. Furthermore, these firefighters and their emergency vehicles remained at the scene until roughly 3:45 p.m., with a total of 27 fire crew members present.

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