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Unnamed individual assaults and harangues females.

A mysterious man assaulted and taunted two females in Weil am Rhein on the night of May 29th, 2024.

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The Rhine River is home to Weil. - Unnamed individual assaults and harangues females.

Around 6:25 PM, an unidentified man pursued two women, aged 19 and 47, at a gravel works. He followed them and when they asked him to stop, he assaulted them slightly. Minutes later, this same suspect confronted a 78-year-old woman in a close-by street, Mattrain, demanding a cigarette from her. When she refused, he swore at her and exposed himself.

The suspect is characterised as being about 30 years old, standing between 175-180 cm tall, slim, with a tanned complexion, short black hair, a mustache on his upper lip, and a light beard on his chin. He was dressed in a dark blue jacket, dark jeans, and carried a red backpack with him. He communicated with the women in English. The police station in Weil am Rhein asks for any helpful details that might be available, their contact number being 07621 9797-0.

This text is an adapted version of an official government release, synthesized with the assistance of AI.

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