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Unlock Various Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts with This Secret Key

Windows key holds great value for keyboard enthusiasts.

Use This Windows 11 Key to Enter Dozens of Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
Use This Windows 11 Key to Enter Dozens of Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts

Unlock Various Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts with This Secret Key

The Windows key can open the Start menu on your computer, but it's also a gateway to various shortcuts that can make your PC more convenient. Learn about 45 different Windows key combinations you may find useful, specifically for Windows 11. Some of these might not work on older versions of Windows. For more Windows shortcuts, see our list of best Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts. If you use a Mac, check out our hidden Mac shortcuts.

45 Windows key combinations you should know about

  1. +E: Open File Explorer.
  2. +I: Open Windows Settings.
  3. +A: Open the Actions Center, allowing adjustments to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, volume, and other settings.
  4. +Ctrl++Enter: Activate Narrator.
  5. ++ or +-: Launch Magnifier, zooming in or out on your display.
  6. +- or +;: Open Emoji Picker.
  7. +U: Open Accessibility Settings.
  8. +Ctrl++C: Activate color filters. In Settings > Accessibility, toggle the Keyboard shortcut for color filters setting and select a filter.
  9. +Alt++B: Enable HDR (only if you use the Xbox Game Bar version 5.721.7292.0).
  10. +K: Open the Cast function in the Actions Center, useful for quickly casting content to a TV.
  11. +X: Show the Quick Link menu, with common options like Task Manager, Settings, Run, and Shut Down.
  12. +L: Lock your computer.
  13. +N: Display the calendar and notifications.
  14. +R: Open the Run command.
  15. +S: Open Windows Search.
  16. +V: Show your clipboard history.
  17. +Spacebar: Switch between keyboards or input languages.
  18. +PrtScn: Capture a screenshot of the entire screen.
  19. +F: Take a screenshot and open the Feedback Hub.
  20. +Shift++S: Take a screenshot of a specific selection.
  21. +Shift++PrtScn: Capture a screenshot of the active window.
  22. +Alt++PrtScn: Record a video of the active game window using the Xbox Game bar.
  23. +Tab: Access the Task View, displaying your virtual desktops.
  24. +Ctrl++D: Create a new virtual desktop.
  25. +Ctrl++Right arrow: Switch to the virtual desktop on the right.
  26. +Ctrl++Left arrow: Switch to the virtual desktop on the left.
  27. +Ctrl++F4: Close the current virtual desktop.
  28. +H: Turn on voice typing.
  29. +Ctrl++Alt++K: Mute or unmute the microphone in voice-activated apps.
  30. +M: Minimize all open windows.
  31. +Shift++M: Restore all minimized windows to their original positions.
  32. +P: Quickly change display modes for people with multiple monitors.
  33. +Ctrl++Q: Open the Quick Assist app, useful for helping others or allowing them to help you troubleshoot.
  34. +Up arrow: Maximize the active window.
  35. +Down arrow: Minimize the active window.
  36. +Alt++Left and Right arrow keys: Snap the active window to a specific part of the screen, then adjust its position.
  37. +Home: Minimize all windows except for the active one. Press again to restore all windows.
  38. +Shift++Left and Right arrow keys: Move the active app to your secondary monitor.
  39. +Z: Launch Snap Layouts in the top-right corner, enabling fast selection of layouts and app placement.
  40. ++ and release: Disappear from the screen, revealing your desktop. Hold ++ to return to your open windows.
  41. +T: Navigate through the apps pinned to your taskbar.
  42. +Alt++Enter: Open taskbar settings for a selected taskbar item.
  43. +1 (replace "1" with any number 2-9): Open the app pinned to that number on your taskbar.
  44. +W: Open the Widgets pane.
  45. +B: Interact with the first icon in the system tray: located in the bottom-right corner.

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