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Universities Providing the Highest Student Salaries

Highest earning jobs for fresh graduates: Law, medicine, and computer science are among the top professions with the best starting salaries. Newly hired engineers often join the elite salary bracket from the get-go, according to a study conducted by the employment platform Stepstone. [58 words]

Noch werden Berufseinsteiger mit Studium deutlich besser bezahlt. Auf Platz 3 der Top-Jobs:...
Noch werden Berufseinsteiger mit Studium deutlich besser bezahlt. Auf Platz 3 der Top-Jobs: Assistenzärzte

Comprehensive employment review - Universities Providing the Highest Student Salaries

This research investigated which careers can earn a gross median salary beneath three years of labor experience and up to 27 years age over 50,000 euros.

Crucial Results

Number 1 are lawyers (61,750 euros), information security officers (57,750 euros), and assistant physicians (56,500 euros).

Roughly, one-third of the jobs with a gross median salary surpassing 50,000 euros fall into IT branch, including data scientists (54,750 euros) and penetration testers (check software for security, 54,000 euros).

Furthermore, around a third of the top careers in the starting phase are engineering roles such as development engineers (54,750 euros), engineers (54,500 euros), electrical engineers (54,250 euros), and process engineers (52,500 euros).

With a degree, the pay raises to an additional 10,500 euros

Newly hired employees beneath 28 years old and with three years of experience earn a gross median salary of 45,000 euros if they possess a university degree. On the other hand, without a degree it's 34,500 euros.

The job market is undergoing a transition

Automation and unemployment are the hot topics of the future. It's no wonder that engineering and tech jobs are sought after. Stepstone's labor market expert, Dr. Tobias Zimmermann, shares his point of view, "These are very important for securing the future competitiveness of our nation."

Don't overlook vocational training jobs

Training jobs in the health, instruction, or craft sphere shouldn't be disregarded. "There's already a considerable lack today, and the need will increase in the future," states Zimmermann.

Undoubtedly: Roles in health, instruction, or craft will be highly valued in the future! https://link.MezQcmMfVV

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