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Unchecked and lacking supervision

Britney Spears (42) should experience freedom once her guardianship ends, but instead, she finds herself in a downward spiral.

Britney Spears lives alone on her 8.5-hectare estate in Thousand Oaks (24 km north-west of L.A.)...
Britney Spears lives alone on her 8.5-hectare estate in Thousand Oaks (24 km north-west of L.A.) after breaking up with her third husband Sam Asghari. US observers describe her life as increasingly "dysfunctional and isolated"

Famous pop singer Britney Spears - Unchecked and lacking supervision

Last Thursday, the pop icon was led out of Chateau Marmont by paramedics late at night. Wearing just her underwear, holding a pillow against her chest and covered by a blanket, Britney Spears made a hasty exit from the luxury establishment in Hollywood with no shoes on. There were flashing blue lights, indicating it was a fire department incident.

The Los Angeles Fire Department provided a statement to the Daily Mail, "We received an emergency call at 12:42 a.m. concerning a wounded adult woman. An ambulance was dispatched at 1 a.m. and no one was transported. There was no police involvement." An alleged fight between Britney Spears and her companion Paul Soliz (37) is rumored to have triggered the event.

These images leave a chilling resemblance to Spears' mental breakdown in 2007/2008: rehab, head shaving, and institutionalization – an intense 13-year battle... In 2021, the singer freed herself from the custody of her father Jamie Spears (71), who commented at the time, "I enjoyed having power over her." A devoted fanbase formed and fought for #FreeBritney on the streets and online.

November 2008: Literally patronized! Jamie Spears escorts his daughter Britney through Los Angeles airport - and starts to put his hand over her mouth when the singer wants to say something

Britney isn't free, she's swimming freestyle...

Spears spiraling downward

Hundreds of fans demonstrated in the streets in 2021 under the slogan

Causing chills through her frequent naked appearances and bizarre dance routines on Instagram, a strained relationship with her sons Sean (18) and Jayden (17), who now live with their father in Hawaii and haven't seen their mother in over two years. Her third marriage to fitness coach Sam Asghari (30) crumbled after a single year. She is said to have attacked, bit and beaten him while he slept.

NOW? In January, she shared on Instagram, "I will never return to the music industry!!!" She prefers sipping wine worth 300 dollars a bottle and indulging in luxurious vacations. Concerned friends fear Spears is wasting her 60-million-dollar fortune. A luxury trip to a private island in French Polynesia can cost up to $1 million, and annual trips to Hawaii in the presidential suite of the "Four Seasons" (5 stars) run around $351,000.

Raccoon make-up, outgrown blonde hair and an enraptured look - this is how Britney Spears danced knife-wielding for her fans on Instagram. She calls herself

Recently, Spears highlighted, "It's cruel and sad how my family kept me away from my pleasures for so long." During her guardianship, she supposedly received $1,500 a week in allowance...

"Britney has no concept of money at all," a source told Page Six. For over a decade, others managed her finances; every purchase was reported to the court - even a pack of gum. But now she calls the shots.

The luxurious vacation resort

From superstar to unruly child!

1998 flashback: Britney (then 16) sings "Baby One More Time" as a schoolgirl with bouncing pigtails, kickstarting her global stardom. The sexy innocence and piping voice ('Oops!...I Did It Again,' 2000) imposed by her management. Her romance with teen idol Justin Timberlake (43) from *NSYNC was under the microscope. In 2002, they split up after three years. In her book "The Woman in Me," Spears disclosed in 2023 that she aborted his baby. He didn't want a kid.

Too much freedom? Britney Spears keeps showing herself naked on Instagram - and at dream destinations

She abandons her innocence and adopts a more sinful sound. "I'm a Slave 4 U" (2001), "Toxic" (2004) ... One of the most successful artists of all time with over 168 million records sold (1 Grammy, 1 Echo, star on the "Walk of Fame"). At the 2003 "MTV Video Music Awards," she stirred up pop queen Madonna (65). After marrying dancer Kevin Federline (46), Spears gave birth to two sons (2005, 2006). AND LOSES HERSELF! Diagnosis: bipolar disorder.

Britney calls for assistance

THE pop power couple from 1999 to 2002: Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. After that, rumors persisted that SHE had cheated on HIM

Hollywood psychotherapist Dr. Charles Sophy spoke to "TMZ," "She needs medication, she's out of control." He insists, "She had a reason for being under guardianship. When you have a mental illness of this magnitude, you need that structure and oversight. She's not content now."

Sophy's prediction? "The situation will worsen, she'll hurt herself or others. Or she could be forcibly admitted because she can't take care of herself."

Britney Spears was married to Kevin Federline from 2004 to 2007 - they said YES just three months after meeting!

The professional estimates that Britney is still struggling to deal with her guardianship trauma: "Her life and civil rights were stolen - for 13 years. It's no surprise she's still plagued by the aftermath."

2018: The singer shines as a flawless pop princess at an awards ceremony in Hollywood

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