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Unbroken safe led to Grandpa Gerhard's murder.

The vulnerable elderly resident, Gerhard C. (85), was viewed as an ideal target. Hassan A. (21), Abdul A. (20), and two collaborators entered his home, subjecting him to violent assaults, binding him, and eventually ending his life in the pursuit of his finances.

Hassan A. (21, l.) and Abdul A. (20) allegedly attacked and killed Gerhard C.
Hassan A. (21, l.) and Abdul A. (20) allegedly attacked and killed Gerhard C.

Retired assailant accused in court - Unbroken safe led to Grandpa Gerhard's murder.

Two Syrians, currently on trial in Germany's Cologne District Court, have been charged with murder for personal gain, amongst other crimes. The accused had their sons, who were joint plaintiffs in the case, brought to the courtroom from custody.

The grisly incident occurred in the early hours of September 7, 2023. As per the prosecution, four individuals, including the two on trial, drove from Osnabrück to Pulheim (North Rhine-Westphalia) in a rented VW T-Roc. Their motive was to rob Gerhard C. and render him incapacitated to gain access to his finances. They were said to be indifferent to the possibility that he might die in the process.

Gerhard C.'s sons followed the start of the trial as joint plaintiffs

Hassan A. was stationed in the car, anticipating a swift escape, while the other three stormed the victim's house. In the basement, they found a safe. Efforts to open the safe were futile, and Gerhard C. was held down.

Forensics at the house where the pensioner was found

Per the indictment, Abdul A. is accused of using blunt force against the old man's neck. He reportedly broke Gerhard C.'s hyoid bone, causing his death. Upon realizing their error and being unable to crack the safe, the assailants fled, abandoning the body.

Lawyer Jan Victor Khatib (l.) represents his client Abdul A. in the trial

At the trial's outset, both defendants elected to remain silent on the allegations. However, Abdul A.'s lawyer, Jan Victor Khatib, stated that his client intended to speak during the course of the trial. "He won't, however, confess to the charges," Khatib declared.

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