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Ullrich's friend Elizabeth shares moving words.

Afternoon proved fantastic for Jan Ullrich (50).

Jan Ullrich (center) with Günter Netzer and his wife Elvira, on the left his former coach Peter...
Jan Ullrich (center) with Günter Netzer and his wife Elvira, on the left his former coach Peter Becker and girlfriend Elizabeth at the museum opening in Bad Dürrheim

At the inauguration of the museum. - Ullrich's friend Elizabeth shares moving words.

In the German city of Bad Dürrheim, the renowned cyclist Jan Ullrich unveiled his very own "Jan Ullrich Cycling Museum." The museum displays a vast collection of bikes, trophies, and jerseys spanning his career from childhood to his Tour de France victory in 1997 until his retirement in 2006. Jan reacted to seeing all these items, "I'm overcome with goosebumps right now."

Numerous guests were in attendance - Jan's own father and trainer, Peter Sager, fellow cyclists Danilo Hondo, Tony Martin, and Simon Geschke, prominent devil of the Tour de France Didi Senft in his iconic attire, and even football legend Günter Netzer and his wife Elvira graced the occasion.

Netzer shared his reactions, "I've encountered Jan occasionally earlier in his life. But after watching his documentary about the overdose in 2018, I felt compelled to support and connect with him more closely. We're true friends now!"

The extract that evoked the most emotion came from Jan's girlfriend, Elizabeth Napoles, who met him in 2018 on the island of Mallorca. Their relationship blossomed, and she witnessed his struggles with drug abuse. When asked:

Have there been thoughts of planning a wedding and starting a family together over the past six years?

Elizabeth laughed: "Children? Absolutely not. We are both 40 years old. We have two dogs already." Her thoughts then turned sincere, "I adore being around Jan's kids (four from two partnerships, as they say), and share a strong bond with them. Their company is the love we share."

Tour devil Didi Senft was also present at the museum opening

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