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Two tiny deer saved

A sheeppuppy and its distraught sibling in the grass, their muther perished in a wire barrier.

Zutraulich: Das Rehkitz wurde in der Transportbox zur Tierauffangstation nach Witten gebracht
Zutraulich: Das Rehkitz wurde in der Transportbox zur Tierauffangstation nach Witten gebracht

Edibles - Two tiny deer saved

In Essen, workers from an animal rescue group were met with a heartbreaking scene. By a horse stable in Essen-Werden, onlookers came across the deceased deer named Ricke, who was hanging from a fence. Close by, concealed by tall grass, were her two young fawns.

"It's highly likely that one or more dogs chased the mother deer," stated the animal rescue Essen. This area has already been the scene of numerous other fawn and deer deaths.

The staff of the animal rescue group secured the two fawns, merely ten days old, into a wooden crate filled with straw, which was provided by the horse stable. They were actively searching for a suitable foster home for these young creatures. The process was fruitful, as they transported the fawns to a foster home in Witten. The foster care facility now has six deer orphaned children in total, who have all tragically lost their mothers.

The animal rescue Essen issued an updated warning in response to this event. "Please leash your dogs! Keep in mind that this isn't only about safeguarding the wild animals but also about protecting your own pets. If dogs are found hunting, they would be euthanized by the game warden."

Behutsam kümmert sich die Tierrettung Essen um die jungen Rehkitze

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