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Two individuals plummet from an 8-meter-tall elevated platform.

Abruptly, the lifting platform toppled, causing both employees to hit the ground.

Einer der Mitarbeiter kam mit einem Rettungswagen, der andere per Heli ins Krankenhaus (Archivfoto)
Einer der Mitarbeiter kam mit einem Rettungswagen, der andere per Heli ins Krankenhaus (Archivfoto)

Severe work accident occurred. - Two individuals plummet from an 8-meter-tall elevated platform.

In Annaberg-Buchholz's Erzgebirgskreis, along Alte Königswalder Straße, an industrial incident took place on Tuesday morning around 7:55 a.m. One of the workmen, aged 21, and another colleague were on an elevated platform used for lifting materials. For unknown reasons, their equipment toppled and pushed them off a height of approximately eight meters. The police report offered this information.

The authorities were tight-lipped regarding the extent of their injuries, but it was clear that prompt medical assistance was necessary - one of the victims was even airlifted by a rescue helicopter to the hospital.

The Chemnitz Criminal Police are now collaborating with the Occupational Safety Department of the Saxony State Directorate as they examine the circumstances leading to this tragic incident.

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