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Two fraudsters swindle an elderly person (87 years old).

On Wednesday, May 29, an 87-year-old lady from Herne became a victim of fraud.

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Southern Herne Region - Two fraudsters swindle an elderly person (87 years old).

An event took place at Hölkeskampring/Wiescherstraße in Herne-Süd. About 1 PM, an unidentified man rang the doorbell of an old lady's home claiming to be a worker from the water company. He declared that he had to examine their water lines. When the 87-year-old lady gave him entry into her home, he directed her to the bathroom to perform a supposed water test while his accomplice sneaked into her apartment looking for valuables.

Once the old lady noticed the second man, both men hurriedly left the apartment complex. According to current information, they took some jewelry. The seemingly genuine water worker is believed to be between 25 and 30 years old, muscular, well-groomed, and spoke with a High German accent. He had black hair, a short beard, and had worn a light shirt and blue pants during the robbery. The accomplice couldn't be described any further.

Anyone who has witnessed anything and can offer assistance is requested to communicate with the criminal investigation division 13 at the phone numbers 0234 909-4135 or 0234 909-4441 (police station). The police are issuing a warning: Don't let strangers into your house. If you're unsure, call the police emergency number 110!

The police also have senior safety advisors available. There are 60 volunteers in Bochum, Herne, and Witten who counsel on topics such as fraud, trick theft, and burglary prevention. You can reach them by dialing 0234 909-4055. More details can be found at:

The content of this text stems from an official government document and was generated with the assistance of AI.

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