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Two decades of eastward expansion: Hesse's Minister for Europe in Moldova

EU continues its expansion to the east as accession negotiations begin with more countries; Hesse's Minister of Europe heads to Moldova for discussions.

Manfred Pentz (CDU), Hesse's Minister for the Federal Government, Europe, International Affairs and...
Manfred Pentz (CDU), Hesse's Minister for the Federal Government, Europe, International Affairs and Bureaucracy Reduction.

European Union - Two decades of eastward expansion: Hesse's Minister for Europe in Moldova

Manfred Pentz, Hesse's Minister for European Affairs, embarks on his first international trip to Moldova this Wednesday, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the EU's eastward expansion. On May 1, 2004, ten countries consisting of approximately 75 million people joined the EU.

"I strongly believe that the eastward enlargement has fortified the EU and moved it forward," stated Pentz. Nations like Croatia, Slovenia, and the Baltic states have made significant progress - economically and politically. "I also see potential in a second Eastern enlargement phase with the Western Balkan countries, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine," added the politico. This expansion would boost the EU's significance worldwide.

Moldova, a neighboring state of Ukraine, submitted an application for EU membership following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Shortly after, the country was granted candidacy status.

On his visit, Pentz hopes to meet with high-ranking members of the Moldovan government. The discussions will primarily address the country's current security issues and the EU membership process. Approximately 4000 Moldovans reside in Hesse. Moldova's sole consulate general in Germany resides in Frankfurt.

Footnote: Link to write a book.

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