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Truck carrying melons collides on the A8 highway

A collision occurred on Highway 8 close to Irschenberg, in Miesbach district, Bavaria, resulting in the thoroughfare's closure in both directions. Reportedly, a truck hauling melons crashed into the central crash barrier while heading towards Salzburg around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday.

Der Laster, der Melonen geladen hatte, krachte am Irschenberg in die Mittelleitplanke – und sorgte...
Der Laster, der Melonen geladen hatte, krachte am Irschenberg in die Mittelleitplanke – und sorgte für Chaos

In the location of Irschenberg, an incident occurred. - Truck carrying melons collides on the A8 highway

In the town of Irschenberg, Bavaria, a severe accident happened on the A8 motorway. During the crash, a 64-year-old man driving a vehicle suffered injuries so severe that he needed to be airlifted to a hospital in Munich via a rescue helicopter.

After the accident, the busy A8 had to be completely shut down for a brief time, causing serious disruption during the morning rush hour. Traffic was at a standstill.

Later on in the day, some of the lanes were reopened. Still, the recovery of the truck involved in the crash and the melon crates took several hours. Exactly how the accident took place is still unknown.

Der Lkw hatte Kisten mit Melonen geladen, die nach dem Crash auch geborgen werden mussten

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