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Trial regarding 2018 Chemnitz disturbances is annulled.

Unexpected development in the case of the "hate riots" in Chemnitz. The First Criminal Chamber of the Regional Court in Chemnitz declines to initiate a trial against nine supposed suspects involved in the disorder on September 1, 2018.

The sometimes violent demonstrations in Chemnitz made international headlines
The sometimes violent demonstrations in Chemnitz made international headlines

"No grounds for suspicion" - Trial regarding 2018 Chemnitz disturbances is annulled.

◀️ Motiv: Ningung ng judgment!

A big problem for the district attorney's office in Chemnitz. In their indictment (dated September 17, 2021), they had charged nine adults with disturbing the peace along with causing serious bodily harm in eleven distinct incidents in the city center on that hot summer night in 2018.

The regional court declared in a ruling that "the chamber couldn't establish this following a preliminary assessment of the evidence based on the findings of the investigation", resulting in the rejection of opening the major trial for factual reasons. "Instead, according to the findings from the preliminary hearings, the involvement of the accused was restricted to their mere presence and participation in a crowd at the location of the violence."

In layman's terms: there were fights in Chemnitz - but the accused cannot be proven to have been involved. A conclusion that is now set in stone six years after the occurrence and almost three years after the district attorney's office pressed charges.

Riots following a deadly knife attack

The events in Chemnitz gained a lot of attention in Germany and around the world in 2018. On the night of August 26th, the Iraqi Alaa S. and a person who had since gone into hiding went after and stabbed Daniel H. from Chemnitz. S. later got 11 years in jail for the crime.

As a consequence of the events, there were days of often violent demonstrations in Chemnitz, which were quickly labelled as "hunts" for foreigners by Chancellor Merkel, among others.

The main piece of evidence was a video clip posted on Twitter by the account "Antifa Zeckenbiss" in which several people seemed to be threatening a foreigner and chasing after him.

When Hans Georg Maaßen (61), head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution at the time, contradicted the narrative of hunts, he came under heavy criticism and had to resign as a result.

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