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Trial commences: Zverev's ex-partner makes court appearance.

Professional tennis player Alexander Zverev, 27, is facing trial in Berlin. His ex-girlfriend, Brenda Patea, 30, accuses him of choking her with both hands on the night of May 20/21, 2020. However, Zverev strongly denies the allegation.

Zverev's ex Brenda Patea came to the Tiergarten district court wearing all black. In her hands she...
Zverev's ex Brenda Patea came to the Tiergarten district court wearing all black. In her hands she holds a passport and apparently documents

Did the renowned tennis player allegedly choke the Germany's Next Top Model contestant? - Trial commences: Zverev's ex-partner makes court appearance.

In the midst of his outstanding performance at the French Open in Paris, she made an unexpected appearance at the Berlin-Tiergarten District Court a whole hour before the proceedings kicked off. Dressed head-to-toe in black, with no discernible emotion, she clutched a pass and some papers in her hand. She entered courtroom B129 seconds before the commencement of the trial.

The mother of their shared three-year-old daughter, Mayla, is implicated as a co-defendant in the case, but it's still undecided whether or when the ex-GNTM model will take the stand. She reported Zverev in October 2021, about a year and a half following the alleged occurrence. Just before that, he made his first public appearance as a couple with his new partner Sophia Thomalla (34).

Patea and Zverev became an item in 2019 but split after eight months and prior to the birth of their little girl, Mayla. They share custody of the child and Zverev remits child support for her.

The trial is in session because the district court had earlier slapped Zverev with a fine of 450,000 euros (90 penalties of 5,000 euros each) in October 2023, an order he subsequently contested.

Patea and Zverev on June 13, 2020, one month after the alleged incident, at the tennis tournament in Belgrade
Alexander Zverev is currently playing at the French Open in Paris

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