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Tree destroys VW Golf vehicle.

Terrible accident occurs on the harbor road.

Mit voller Wucht muss der Golf gegen den Baum gekracht sein, das Auto ist komplett zerstört
Mit voller Wucht muss der Golf gegen den Baum gekracht sein, das Auto ist komplett zerstört

Turmoil Erupts in Bremerhaven - Tree destroys VW Golf vehicle.

Around noontime on Saturday, a VW Golf struck a tree in the area of Bremerhaven. One individual sustained serious injuries and was rushed to the hospital. The crash occurred on Hafenstraße, situated between Wülbernstraße and Felsstraße.

At approximately 12:10, the local control center dispatched a fire truck, three ambulances, and a medical rescue vehicle. The reason behind the Golf veering off-road remained unclear. When the collision took place, the engine was completely torn out and hurled onto the sidewalk, while the entire passenger side separated.

Despite sustaining injuries, the driver managed to exit the wreckage by themselves. The fire department's rescue team provided transportation to the Bremerhaven hospital. The firefighters also ensured fire prevention and contained any leaking fluids.

A total of 17 firemen handled the situation. Police were also present with numerous patrol vehicles. Throughout the rescue process, the affected road segment was entirely shut down.

No information is available regarding the total extent of the harm or the specifics behind the accident.

Der Fahrer konnte sich nach dem Unfall noch selbst aus dem Wrack befreien

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