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Travelers avoid a disastrous incident.

During the take-off of a flight from Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, the hearts of the approximately 100 passengers and even the pilots, would have surely dropped as a major incident could have occurred, potentially causing a tragedy.

The plane took off just a few meters before the end of the runway
The plane took off just a few meters before the end of the runway

Aircraft Fails to Appear - Travelers avoid a disastrous incident.

The video record of an Embraer aircraft's dramatic takeoff reveals the picative moment it didn't seem to gather enough speed along the 1940-meter-long runway. As it neared the takeoff and landing stretch's end, it became clear that this runway - located at Congonhas Airport on a busy street and close to many towering structures - posed a significant risk.

In the nick of time, the plane managed to lift off a few meters before the safety area, known as the Stopway, a designated zone where the plane's tires could sink and halt the aircraft. After this nail-biting endeavor, the airport company set out to investigate the incident comprehensively. They wanted to ascertain if any mistakes had been made by the pilots or ground staff in terms of the plane's weight or engine power during its launch.

Congonhas, an airport located in Sao Paulo, is known for its short runways; the longest, 17R/35L, measures 1940 meters, while the runway 17L/35R records a mere 1435 meters. Notwithstanding this, the plane struggled to take off before the deadline even on the longer runway.

Only shortly before the end of the runway did the wheels of the main engine come off the runway

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