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Traditional Spanish Three-King Lottery Yields Tax Revenue of 770 Million Euros due to El Niño

On January 6th, celebrated as Three Kings Day, the fortune-bringing number 94974 was selected from El Niño. Several Spanish contenders now anticipate substantial rewards.

In the 2024 edition of Spain's El Niño lottery, a grand sum of €770 million was distributed as...
In the 2024 edition of Spain's El Niño lottery, a grand sum of €770 million was distributed as prizes.

Spain's Traditional Gift Day and Lottery Jackpot

Traditional Spanish Three-King Lottery Yields Tax Revenue of 770 Million Euros due to El Niño

In Spain, youngsters celebrate the arrival of presents on January 6th, referred to as Three Kings Day, rather than Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Meanwhile, adults eagerly wait for the annual El Niño lottery, which ranks second in Spain's lottery scene. This year, an impressive 770 million euros were distributed among the winners. The government also benefits from this lottery.

The Jackpot Ticket Worth 2 Million Euros

The official name for the lottery is the Lotería del Niño, taken from the biblical account of the Three Wise Men giving gifts to baby Jesus. Annual ticket sales are projected to reach 5.5 million this year, as reported by Der Spiegel. The lottery includes 100,000 unique ticket numbers, each printed 55 times.

A single ticket costs 200 euros, but purchasers can opt for a tenth of a ticket for 20 euros. In total, 1.1 billion euros are accumulated from ticket sales, with 770 million euros being awarded this year.

The live drawing of the winning numbers was transmitted on Spanish television [Spanish video]:

The ticket holder with number 94974 wins the grand prize of 2 million euros. If a tenth of a ticket matches, the winner will receive 200,000 euros. However, it's crucial to note that 20% tax is payable on these winnings if the amount surpasses 2,500 euros, as stated by Die Welt.

Can El Niño be Played in Germany?

While many German players are interested in joining the large Spanish lotteries, there are numerous online providers offering tickets in various denominations. Foreigners are not excluded from participation, but the ticket must be bought in Spain, and winnings must be claimed within three months following the draw.

There's uncertainty surrounding whether online providers buy actual tickets or operate secondary lotteries with different payout ratios. Regardless, playing like this is illegal in Germany, as German players have no legal recourse to claim winnings.

Lottery's Growing Popularity in Germany

The lottery market in Germany is also experiencing significant growth. Experts attribute this boom to the increasing online offerings.

This year, the licensed German lottery companies reported a turnover of 8.2 billion euros. Efforts to combat illegal secondary lotteries and foreign providers are ongoing. Therefore, it's vital to remain aware of illegitimate participation in El Niño or the largest Spanish Christmas lottery, El Gordo.

Despite the popularity of Spanish lotteries, such as El Niño, among German players, it's important to note that buying tickets from online providers and participating in secondary lotteries with different payout ratios is illegal in Germany due to a lack of legal recourse for claiming winnings. On the other hand, online casinos in Germany offer alternative gaming options for those interested in gambling online.

In contrast, participating in online casinos in Germany is legal and regulated, providing a safe and secure environment for players. The German government allows licensed operators to offer a variety of games, ensuring adherence to strict gambling regulations and responsible gambling guidelines.

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