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Tractor operator dispenses insecticides at daycare facility

Children in Dohna, near Pirna (Saxony) felt ill and experienced breathing difficulties; police are probing a 22-year-old tractor driver.

The daycare center in Dohna was sprayed with pesticides
The daycare center in Dohna was sprayed with pesticides

Eight individuals sustain injuries. - Tractor operator dispenses insecticides at daycare facility

During the afternoon, a farmhand sprayed pesticides on a vast wheat field, disregarding the strong winds. The daycare center "Am Fuchsbau" was situated nearby; kids were at play there when the poisonous mist drifted directly into their play area.

A young girl (4), a young boy (3), five women aged 40-56, and a 40-year-old man experienced difficulty breathing and fell ill. The adults also inhaled the substance which could cause chemical burns, leaving them unable to assist the children.

Emergency services were promptly called to respond to the situation.

Warnings advise against using plant protection products when wind speeds exceed 5 m/s, and adequate safety distance is crucial.

The wheat field borders the daycare center

Mayor Dr. Ralf Müller (CDU) commented on the incident, "The tractor driver likely didn't mind the wind direction."

All the injured have been discharged from the hospital.

The children played in the garden

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