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Tractor is struck by turning vehicle in spite of passing ban.

On May 29, 2024, at approximately 10 AM, there was a collision involving a van and a farm vehicle on the K22 road near Wusterhusen.

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Wusterhusen: The location referred to. - Tractor is struck by turning vehicle in spite of passing ban.

A 73-year-old man driving a tractor was making his way along the K22 road from Wusterhusen to Brünzow. Suddenly, a 66-year-old VW Transporter driver came flying by, disregarding the no-overtaking rule on this stretch. This reckless actions led to a crash between the two vehicles. Luckily, both drivers escaped without any injuries. The damage sustained is estimated to amount to a whopping 72,000 Euro.

Note: This text is transcribed from a government notice and was crafted with the aid of AI.

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