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Townspeople are in pursuit of a roaming turtle named Blacky.

In summer, the white swans usually captivate visitors at Gardelegen's moat, but this time, they're playing second fiddle to a newcomer. A surprising addition has emerged in the water, stealing the spotlight.

Die Stendaler haben das seltene Reptil in Stadtgraben “Blacky“ getauft, wegen der Farbe ihres...
Die Stendaler haben das seltene Reptil in Stadtgraben “Blacky“ getauft, wegen der Farbe ihres Panzers

Gardelegen is a town in Saxony-Anhalt region. - Townspeople are in pursuit of a roaming turtle named Blacky.

A huge American turtle called Blacky has become quite the talk of a tiny village lately. This turtle is a challenge to capture due to its size!

Blacky's Shell is Enormous!

His shell is around forty-five centimeters long. Wildlife specialists guess that Blacky is about thirty years old and could weigh almost five hundred kilograms. As per Sarah Gärenrt, a shelter director from Ahnen (36), "Fishermen spotted this uncommon specimen."

Several individuals are expressing concern over this extraordinary animal. Even the Altmarkkreis's veterinary office is interested.

No Efforts to Capture Blacky Seem Successful

Tierheim-Chefin Sarah Gränert von Ahnen (36) hat einen Schildkröten-Experten für Blacky gefunden

It's still a mystery how Blacky landed in the city drain in Northern Saxony-Anhalt. What is certain is her need to vacate the place and relocate two kilometers away in Salzwedel, where a turtle specialist has a facility for water turtles.

But Blacky doesn't want to move!

Blacky's Speed Foils Capture Attempts

Early attempts at catching the turtle failed miserably, leaving only wet jeans for the poachers. More amateur turtle hunters keep showing up by the city drain to capture the massive reptile. Sarah Gärenrt from Ahnen shared, "But Blacky is remarkably swift. If someone gets too close, she swiftly jumps into the water and disappears."

Mitten im Schilf bewachsenen Stendaler Stadtgraben sind die Bedingungen für die Wasserschildkröte ideal

The people of Gardelegen have given Blacky some additional time in the city drain. They're allowing her to stay there for a few more weeks. "Summer temperatures are ideal for Blacky," says Sarah Gärenrt from Ahnen. "But if temperatures drop, her survival chances start to decrease. Turtles are cold-blooded creatures, and they enter a winter hibernation in low temperatures. They'll need to stockpile food first to get through this. We’re unsure whether Blacky can find food the city drain."

Sarah Gärenrt from Ahnen says, "Currently, Blacky is doing well in the city drain." As the poachers try to brainstorm better ways of capturing Blacky, she enjoys sunbathing near the stones in the city drain and occasionally slides into the water or ducks under the swans.

"I always stop by this spot when I pick up my son Pascal from kindergarten," shares Vivienne Block (28). "Blacky's presence makes leaving hard!"

Die Stendaler Enten beobachten den Eindringling misstrauisch und bleiben auf Abstand

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