Meteorological agency issues alert for intense storm systems. - Tornado warning: Storm hits the Elbe area
The picturesque town of Valtířov lies snugly in the Bohemian Elbe Valley on the global railroad route (Hamburg - Berlin - Dresden - Prague). Last Saturday at approximately 4:40 pm, a miniature twister made its way through the region.
Commuters captures the twister
During driving on state road 62 between Aussig and Tetschen (Děčín), numerous motorists snapped and recorded the tornado. The Chelmo Meteorological Institute (CHMU) has published these pictures on the short message service X.
CHMU validates the incident
The CHMU, a meteorological institute from Prague, confirmed through X: "We verify the existence of a twister near Valtířov within Ústeck District."

The Prague-based meteorologists went on to note: "This phenomenon seems to be a very weak twister with a short lifespan."
Supposedly, mild harm was inflicted upon the vegetation, although a thorough investigation has not yet been performed. The tornado was seen in an area, around 30 kilometers from the Saxony border.
CHMU's warning for Whit Sunday
The Prague weathermen similarly caution of lurking dangers in the border area - the popular trekking region in the national parks of Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland - for Whit Sunday. From 2 pm to 10 pm, formation of intense supercells is possible in the north-east of the country. Supercells are hazardous thunderstorm formations.

CHMU: "Don't exclusively use the local weather report, but also check current radar data in the afternoon."
The German Weather Service DWD also posted a warning for Saxony. As per this advisory, "gusts of 70 km/h (Bft 8) are expected. The risk assessment report (19th May, 10:30 am) states that 'downpours of up to 40 cubic meters per square meter cannot be ruled out'.
IMPORTANT TIDBITS:- Valtířov is a beautiful town in Bohemian Elbe Valley (Czech Republic).- On Saturday (around 4:40 pm), a miniature twister blew through the region.- Several drivers photographed and filmed the tornado.- Czech meteorologists authenticated the event.- The tornado was found near the border with Saxony.- A gentle damage to the vegetation was reported.- Prague meteorologists issue a warning of supercells in the border area for Whit Sunday.- Supercells are dangerous thunderstorm formations.

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