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Tipsy motorist ends up in a ditch upright

A dark red vehicle has flipped over into a ditch by Spenge (Herford area), with its back wheels pointing skyward. Bizarre incident occurred last night.

Wie der Fahrer so im Graben landen konnte, ermittelt jetzt die Polizei
Wie der Fahrer so im Graben landen konnte, ermittelt jetzt die Polizei

Soared off-course in the dark. - Tipsy motorist ends up in a ditch upright

At around 3 in the morning on Bielefeld Street in Lenzinghausen, a 26-year-old man lost control of his Fiat and crashed into a ditch. The front of the vehicle sank at a 90-degree angle into the ground.

Despite the accident, the intoxicated driver escaped with only minor injuries and was taken to the hospital for precautionary measures. Unfortunately, the Fiat suffered significant damage and needed to be lifted out of the ditch with a crane. It's estimated that the repairs will cost around 10,000 euros.

Surprisingly, the police couldn't take away the driver's license because... he doesn't have one. The man will still face additional charges.

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