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Tiger mosquitoes: The risk of rain barrels

The Asian mosquito species, specifically "Aedes albopictus," has an initial reputation for being bothersome due to its bites causing itchiness, but it also carries dangerous illnesses.

The tiger mosquito can transmit dangerous diseases - and is spreading rapidly in Germany
The tiger mosquito can transmit dangerous diseases - and is spreading rapidly in Germany

Specialists issue alarm over rapid increase - Tiger mosquitoes: The risk of rain barrels

The Asian tiger mosquito, known for its mottled and dangerous nature, was first found in Germany in 2007, and has since spread steadily. Traveling further north with each passing year.

Here's more information about this invasive insect:

★ The tiger mosquito has a very distinctive appearance with its black and white stripes. They can grow up to nine millimeters in length, but typically measure between three and eight millimeters. A noticeable feature is the white line running from its head to its body.

★ This bug hails from the South Asian tropics, but has managed to spread to other continents in the last 40 years. In Europe, it was first discovered in Albania in 1979, and in Africa in South Africa in 1990.

★ In Germany, the tiger mosquito prefers to live in allotments or campsites. This is because its flight radius is relatively small, only about 200 meters. It seeks densely populated areas with suitable breeding sites. They are already found in southern parts of Germany and Berlin, but so far, not in Hamburg.

★ The mosquito lays its eggs near water sources to develop into larvae. They can be found in a variety of places, including tree hollows, flower vases, rain barrels, old car tires, and small puddles on tarpaulins.

★ Danger arises from the mosquito's potential to spread disease. Here are some tropical diseases it can transmit: dengue fever, West Nile virus, chikungunya, and Zika virus. It also tends to bite more often than native species.

★ The risk of transmitting these exotic viruses by returning vacationers is low. But if the tiger mosquito continues to spread, the risk would naturally increase.

★ Daniel Sagebiel, from the Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso), warns, "There's a narrow window of opportunity to eliminate known tiger mosquito populations in Berlin."

★ Sagebiel also told the "Tagesspiegel" how to combat the tiger mosquito. In affected areas, potential breeding sites must be removed, and in certain cases, a biological larvicide (product that kills mosquito larvae) may be used.

★ Private individuals can also participate in mosquito hunting. The "Mosquito Atlas" project involves sending captured mosquitoes to the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Land Research in Müncheberg (Brandenburg).

In summary, the Asian tiger mosquito is a dangerous pest with a distinctive striped appearance. It prefers garden areas due to its small flight radius and ability to adapt to various breeding grounds. The tiger mosquito is known to transmit tropical diseases and could pose a risk to humans if its population continues to expand. Time is running out to eliminate current tiger mosquito populations in Berlin, according to Daniel Sagebiel. A bit of effort from everyone can help combat this pesky insect.

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