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THW combats flood disasters

Intense rainstorms put dykes and residents at risk in Bavaria.

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Bavaria: A State in Germany Known for Its Rich Traditions - THW combats flood disasters

On Friday, rain led to flooding in southern Bavaria. THW emergency teams have been preparing for this situation for a while now and filled numerous sandbags in advance. The affected areas include Lindau, Memmingen, Neu-Ulm, and Fischbach. Measures are also being implemented in Neuburg an der Donau. The local THW association in Donauwörth is using their mobile flood gauge to monitor water levels in the Danube and nearby rivers.

In the Allgäu and Swabia regions, the local associations of Neu-Ulm, Memmingen, Lindau, Lindenberg, Sonthofen, Krumbach, Gunzburg, and Kaufbeuren are all taking action. Along with sandbag logistics, which involves filling, transporting, and creating sandbags, evacuation procedures are being carried out, and dikes are being strengthened with BigPacks and plastic sheeting. High-performance pumps are also being employed.

In addition to these workers on the ground, THW specialists are assisting in the crisis management teams of cities and municipalities. These teams assess the current situation and take measures to provide prompt help from the THW.

When it comes to saving lives and protecting property during floods, the THW has diverse methods of offering assistance. The Water Damage/Pumping Group can pump water and dirt from basements, cellars, or traffic facilities using their powerful pumps. Their pumps have a capacity of 1,000 to 15,000 liters per minute. This group can also build pipelines for long distances to supply fire departments with firefighting water. Last year, during the intense rain event in the Ahr Valley, they defended the Steinbach Dam's dike in Euskirchen for several days.

The THW is a voluntary relief organization for the federal government, relying on the commitment of approximately 88,000 volunteers. With their experts, technology, and experience, the THW is vital for civil protection. They support various disaster relief efforts locally and internationally. This includes bilateral aid, as well as technical and logistical tasks within the EU disaster response procedure and assistance for UN organizations. For more information on the THW's involvement in Germany and abroad, check:

This text is adapted from an official government statement and written with the help of AI.

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