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Three young deer were discovered deceased in an open area.

Police in Buxheim, Unterallgäu (Bavaria) discovered three deceased fawns in a recently mowed field. The individuals who spotted them informed the authorities. Police suspect that the animals were struck and killed by the lawnmower. A police representative stated, "No previous search was made by...

Fawns do not flee, but huddle together in the tall grass (symbolic image)
Fawns do not flee, but huddle together in the tall grass (symbolic image)

Law enforcement officials are probing into the matter. - Three young deer were discovered deceased in an open area.

In Buxheim, a tragedy is being investigated as a potential violation of the Animal Welfare Act.

Across the country, tenants and volunteers who hunt operate drones to inspect fields and meadows before mowing, aiming to rescue fawns and save them from being shredded by the machinery. This service is typically provided free of charge for farmers.

Why can't fawns run away?

Fawns are born in fields with tall vegetation to ensure their safety. However, these young deer lack the instinct to escape. When faced with danger, they tend to huddle together and press themselves into the ground. As a result, when machinery rolls in, they end up getting run over.

The rescuers use drones and thermal imaging cameras to scan the areas. They then carefully extract the fawns, wearing gloves, and place them near the field's edge where their mothers can locate them.

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