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Three individuals sustain serious injuries in B252 crash

Severe injuries sustained by three individuals during a road accident on the B252/L3081 stretch near Diemelstadt-Rhoden on May 20, 2024, at approximately 12:55 p.m.

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Rhoden in Diemelstadt is the subject of discussion. - Three individuals sustain serious injuries in B252 crash

Three people were in a vehicle driving from the A44 to Bad Arolsen on the B252. A female driver coming from Rhoden attempted to join the B252, ignoring the right of way of the other car.

As a result of this collision, the car's occupants suffered severe injuries and had to be taken to local hospitals by helicopter. The women driving the other car had minor injuries, but one person in it also sustained serious wounds, necessitating a helicopter ride to the hospital.

In coordination with the Kassel prosecutor's office, an expert was enlisted to pinpoint the exact cause of the crash. The B252 was completely closed in both directions to allow for the investigation and recovery of the damaged vehicles.

The source of this story is official information from the authorities, and it was created using AI assistance. 1: # (Link or image)

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