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Three events occur on May 9th.

Today, Nadine Elsmann, Silvio Schulze, and Aaron share a remarkable synchronicity - their birthdays occur simultaneously.

The accidental family: mom Nadine, dad Silvio and son Aaron all have a birthday on May 9th
The accidental family: mom Nadine, dad Silvio and son Aaron all have a birthday on May 9th

A family from Thuringia shares the same birthday. - Three events occur on May 9th.

"Nadine tells us, 'Everyone in our family was born on May 9.' The manager at the store is turning 40 today, Silvio is 38, and Aaron is 12. 'So, we have another reason to celebrate – we've added up to 90 years together,' she says."

To mark this special occasion, the Wundersleben sports club in Thuringia is preparing to accommodate 90 guests. "We've put up a large tent and a mobile bar just for this event," Nadine shares.

A romantic encounter

"Nadine's eyes light up as she recalls meeting her husband, Silvio, for the first time. 'I met him at the Star gas station in Sömmerda and instantly fell in love. When I asked him what his birthday was, he answered May 9th. I couldn't believe it,' she says, grinning."

She took the coincidence as a positive sign for their future together and they moved in together soon after. "By some miracle, Nadine discovered she was pregnant," she continues. "Initially, they had planned on having a baby on May 23, 2012, but Aaron decided to come early – he was born at 1:04 am on May 9."

The proof: three ID cards - three times the same date of birth

The astounding event had everybody amazed. "The odds of three people sharing the same birthday are 1 in 133,500," she explains. "We've all adjusted to this unique situation."

On their special day, the parents usually don't exchange gifts, but their son, Aaron, receives plenty of presents. "Being a soccer player and a fan of the Bayern Munich football team, he's always given things bearing the Bayern logo," Nadine adds.

This year, however, they're throwing a much bigger party – Nadine's turning 40, and the three of them are celebrating a combined 90 years.

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