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Threat of explosion at Erfurt regular school

The police have closed off the school grounds and emptied the building.

The regular school received a threat by e-mail on Tuesday morning
The regular school received a threat by e-mail on Tuesday morning

Authorities close off region - Threat of explosion at Erfurt regular school

The Ulrich-von-Hutten School in Grünstraße, Erfurt (Thuringia) won't be operational on Tuesday due to a bomb scare. The cops received an email containing the threat in the morning.

Students and faculty members who were inside the premises were promptly evacuated. The kids could either be picked up or shifted to a neighboring school for protection.

Sniffer dogs have been scheduled to search the neighborhood this morning. The sender's details and the letter's specific content have not been disclosed.

The regular school had received several threats back in March this year.

The police want to search the building with sniffer dogs. Classes are canceled

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