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This young artist, aged two, is selling his creations for as much as 6,500 euros.

Despite wearing diapers, Laurent Schwarz becomes a grown-up painter when handling a brush.

Erst zwei, aber schon ein Künstler: Laurent Schwarz malt in seinem Atelier und hat bereits Käufer...
Erst zwei, aber schon ein Künstler: Laurent Schwarz malt in seinem Atelier und hat bereits Käufer für seine Bilder

Laurent's artwork can be found in England and the Bahamas. - This young artist, aged two, is selling his creations for as much as 6,500 euros.

Yes, it's possible to identify when a child has a knack for something. This kid, Laurent from Neubeuern, Bavaria, possesses a passion for the world of art. His artworks fetch as high as €6,500. His vibrant abstract paintings adorn the walls of collectors in Birmingham and the Bahamas.

Laurent's enthusiasm knows no bounds as soon as he wakes up from his afternoon nap. This young Picasso then makes his way to his studio at home and paints meticulously, stroke by stroke on the canvas. His obsession with color is unrelenting. He dabbles in various painting tools like grids, rolls, brushes, and even his hands to reveal the colors on paper.

It takes Laurent at least 30 minutes to complete a one-meter-high and 80-centimeter-wide painting.

Kunterbunt geht es bei Laurent zu: Der Kunst-Knirps malt mit Acrylfarben

Lisa Schwarz, who runs a stove manufacturing company, uploaded the first painting named "The fingers" to Instagram@"" right before Christmas 2023. "I was overjoyed by my son and couldn't think of anything else," she shared.

Laurent's abstract art rapidly gained traction, and now over 28,000 people follow him on Instagram. His videos have garnered 5 million views. When his paintings were up for sale at the "ART MUC" - Munich's largest art fair - in April, his parents couldn't believe the commotion surrounding their son.

Im August findet die erste Ausstellung mit Werken des Zweijährigen statt

Laurent has his own website (, and his first exhibition will take place in a gallery in August. His works sell for €2,500 and up. His earnings are kept in a separate account for him when he turns 18.

"This is like complete insanity. He's free to paint or play with his bulldozer and squirrels instead. Sometimes his studio sits idle for three weeks."

Eine Galerie mit Laurents Bildern befindet sich im Erdgeschoss seines Elternhauses
Eine glückliche Familie: Mutter Lisa (32), Laurent und Vater Philipp (43) mit Hund Lilly (9)

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