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This year has been extremely tension-filled!

Christian Heidel (60) often maintains a public demeanor of composure.

Mainz's successful duo: Chief Sports Officer Christian Heidel (l.) and coach Bo Henriksen
Mainz's successful duo: Chief Sports Officer Christian Heidel (l.) and coach Bo Henriksen

Mainz's manager Heidel confirms - This year has been extremely tension-filled!

The Mainz leader teared up as he stood before the mic on Sky, discussing the 3:1 triumph in Wolfsburg that had saved his team.

"The past season was a nerve-wracking experience," he admitted, reflecting on the final matchday: "A match of nerves cubed - it was brutal!"

Heidel elaborated: "I truly believed it when the score hit 3:1. The pivotal aspect: "The significant factor was getting a coach in February (Bo Henriksen, note to ed.) who was totally different from everything before. He emerged from the wilderness, wasn't part of the misery prior - and voila, it immediately became a winning mindset. Unlike other motivators, he's also a skilled soccer expert."

In sync with Henriksen's wacky nature, the Dane commemorated the league victory on the pitch with mirrored shades!

"It was a woeful match," the coach admitted, peeling back his emotional layer: "We were horrendous in the first half-hour. We were overly cautious." Only upon achieving the 1:1 score did it become an "engaging duel," says Henriksen, adding, "After a win like that, it's a remarkable day - but I'm also drained and weary now."

"It seemed like we'd endured 850 finals, it seemed like we had to secure victory every weekend - and we managed it impressively," declared Burkardt (23), puffed with pride over his accomplishment and elated after netting the crucially decisive 3:1 goal: "This was fantastic. I was anticipating the potential for another chance all game. The madness that ensued once we realized we had accomplished it was incredible. An exceptional moment and an ideal conclusion to the season happened just as I hoped it would - that's why I'm elated!"

The players celebrated their survival with pizza and beers in the locker room. On Sunday (1 pm, Mewa-Arena), Mainz 05 will celebrate this excessive victory with their fans at home!

"The fans rejoiced in my success," the Luxembourger expressed: "There's immense relief and enjoyment. This season was very trying and zapped loads of energy. The rescue was a superb finale for me!"

The successful Mainz coach: Bo Henriksen celebrates with mirrored sunglasses after a successful save

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