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This is how Leonie's murderer is attempting to convince the court of his innocence.

The deceased Leonie F. (21 years old) allegedly suffered from 20 stab wounds. In the court session for the deadly knife incident, the former boyfriend defended himself, claiming the act was unintentional.

Defendant Ken B. (left, 21) spoke about the crime before the jury court
Defendant Ken B. (left, 21) spoke about the crime before the jury court

Former girlfriend had 20 attack injuries - This is how Leonie's murderer is attempting to convince the court of his innocence.

### "She's the one I've always loved"

Ken B. had his attorney read out the statement at the Hanover Regional Court. "The idea that Leonie has passed away while I still live is horrifying," she reads aloud. And furthermore: "I never meant to hurt Leonie. She's the one I've always loved." He felt ashamed of his actions.

The apprentice landscaper and the trainee administrative assistant dated for around two years before she ended it. Ken B. wasn't ready to let go and aimed to win her back. Claiming he was collecting personal items from her flat, he attempted to reconcile by presenting her with a ring.

"She was my first girlfriend I was intimate with," he confessed in the statement. Ken B., the child of divorce, longed for a "lifelong relationship." Regretfully, things turned out differently: "When Leonie broke up with me, my entire world collapsed," it continued.

He held a knife to his neck

After the 21-year-old made it clear to him on November 7 that the relationship was over, Ken B. enacted his final, dramatic moment: as per his own statements, he pulled out the knife usually stored in his backpack ("for self-defense purposes"), pointed it to his throat, and threatened to end his life.

Leonie F. (†21) bled to death on the street after her ex-boyfriend's knife attack

"You're downright crazy," Leonie supposedly told him and ran towards the kitchen to inform her friends waiting outside the house by phone.

"Leonie yelled at me and tried to take the knife from me," the accused recounts. There was a struggle. Ken B.: "It occurred so rapidly after that. I didn't want her to hinder me from killing myself, so I randomly stabbed Leonie and I don't remember where." Leonie then ran away. The young woman bled to death on the street right outside her house.

20 stab wounds counted by forensic experts

The autopsy report shows that the knife struck Leonie's throat, neck, and chest. The forensic experts tallied approximately 20 stab wounds. Lawyer Matthias Waldraff, representing Leonie's parents, believes Leonie was stabbed several times before fleeing.

Ken B. has been charged with manslaughter, meaning if convicted, he may face at least five years in prison, or a lifetime imprisonment for more serious cases. The verdict will be in June.

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