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This correspondence stirs emotions.

These expressions stir emotions, including feelings of sadness.

Dieser Brief mit vielen 50- und 100-Euro-Scheinen erreichte das Tierheim Bückeburg
Dieser Brief mit vielen 50- und 100-Euro-Scheinen erreichte das Tierheim Bückeburg

Donations made to animal shelters prior to passing away. - This correspondence stirs emotions.

An elderly lady named Dagmar, residing in Germany, is aware that her lifespan is nearing its end. To accomplish something good before her passing, she sends out letters.

Recently, one of Dagmar's missives arrived at the animal shelter in Bückeburg (Lower Saxony). The touched rescuers shared on Facebook about a photograph: "One casually opens a letter envelope, delivered through the mail. Inside were stacks of money alongside a letter. The feelings invoked here are challenging to express."

What did Dagmar convey to the animal helpers in her note?

"I'm about to embark on my final journey and presumably nearly at my desired destination. Over the course of my 45-year career, I've built up significant savings. My life was serene and unextravagant; therefore, my ambitions were minor and vanished over time."

Tierheime in Niedersachsen und NRW wurden von der Spenderin, die Hunde besonders mochte, bedacht (Symbolbild)

As a result, Dagmar decided to give this money to the animal shelter in Bückeburg. The dogs hold a special place in her heart, possibly more so than most people, as she explains. The precise amount that Dagmar donated to the Bückeburg shelter remains undisclosed. It's estimated to be around 20,000 euros.

The "Hellhound Foundation" in Bispingen (Lower Saxony) also received a similar letter. This non-profit group specializes in rescuing and rehabilitating poorly behaved dogs. The organization shared their experience: "In the envelope were loads of money. Lots of money. 20,000 euros and a deeply affectionate letter. In times of difficulty, such good fortune leaves us both humbled and joyous."

The Marl (North Rhine-Westphalia) animal shelter is also among those which Dagmar had intended to donate to. The staff acknowledge: "Such acts display the kindness that exists in humanity and inspire us to continue our duty with utmost commitment."

Bundesweit gibt es rund 1400 Tierheime, die sich um gequälte, vernachlässigte oder vergessene Schützlinge kümmern

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