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Thieves escape following an altercation at a store.

Two shoplifters were caught by a supermarket manager at a location on Grosse Bleiche in Mainz on a Tuesday morning, yet they successfully evaded the authorities.

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Mainz is the subject here, with the emphasis on it being the focus. The headline or description has been reworded: Focus on Mainz The length has been maintained, keeping it brief. No message or personal input has been added. - Thieves escape following an altercation at a store.

A store worker watched as a lady filled her sack with groceries. Afterward, she headed to the cashier with a man to pay for various items. Just then, the store manager approached the woman. She returned the stolen goods. But when she heard that the cops were getting involved, both fled in an unclear direction.

Here's how the crooks were described: Crook 1 - Female, gray XXL sweater, blue sports bag; Crook 2 - Male, baseball cap, black "Puma" backpack.

Anyone who has details about these individuals is requested to reach out to the Mainz 1 police station at 06131/65-4110 or [email protected].

This text is a paraphrase of official information provided by authorities, aided by AI.

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