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Thieves break into a hair salon and take cash and scissors.

Overnight from May 10th to 11th, robbers broke into a hair salon located on Bockumer Weg. They made off with cash, a pair of scissors, and several beauty products.

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A location is listed as "Hamm-Bockum-Hövel." - Thieves break into a hair salon and take cash and scissors.

Unidentified criminals managed to enter a business premises by breaking both a window and a door. Once inside, they proceeded to rummage through several cabinets and damaged various pieces of furniture in the salon.

If you have any information regarding this break-in or spotted any suspicious individuals, authorities in Hamm urge you to contact them on 02381 916-0 or email them at [email protected].

This text was generated using artificial intelligence and is derived from official reports.

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