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Thieves assault personal trainer (30) and take computer

A man aged 30 from Lithuania fell prey to a violent mugging on Monday night in the street "Zum Silbersee" in Frielendorf.


Frielendorf: A Village to Visit - Thieves assault personal trainer (30) and take computer

While driving down the road, a car owner noticed another vehicle parked to the side, giving off the impression that it was having mechanical issues. Two men emerged from the broken-down car and asked the driver to pull over. He obliged and exited his car, heading for the trunk to retrieve a jack. Without warning, the pair assaulted him with punches and kicks, resulting in facial injuries for the victim.

During the attack, these perpetrators seized a valuable Apple MacBook with an orange cover, a PlayStation 5 gaming console, and an unspecified sum of cash. They hastily retreated in an unknown direction.

Descriptions of the assailants:1. Man: dark-skinned, stands at a height of around 1.80m, around 35-40 years old, donning sports shorts and a green T-shirt.2. Man: dark-skinned, height of approximately 1.80m, between 35-40 years of age, sporting athletic shorts and shoes.3. Man: European descent, standing at around 1.80m, aged 35-40, decked out in short jeans, white t-shirt, and sports shoes.

If you've witnessed any part of this event, kindly reach out to Homberg's police station 10 under The Police Directorate Schwalm-Eder at 05681-7740. Alternatively, you can contact any nearby law enforcement agency.

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