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Thief (34) dozes off in shrubbery

A 34-year-old intruder burgled a residence on Ulmer Straße in Kriegshaber on May 28, 2024, and took a modest sum of cash.

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Ulm and Augsburg make news together. - Thief (34) dozes off in shrubbery

Around 4 in the morning, a man burgled a house and made off with the cash. However, he injured his leg during his escape and ended up sleeping in some bushes. A neighbor heard him snore and notified the authorities. The 34-year-old was then taken to the hospital for medical attention.

On the instructions of the Augsburg Public Prosecutor's Office, the suspect appeared before a magistrate at the District Court on Wednesday (29.05.2024). The judge issued an arrest warrant for a serious break-in and detained him. This individual is currently being held in a jail.

(This text is sourced from an official government notice and was generated using AI.)

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