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They were awarded for their exciting treasure hunt.

Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf are awarded a cancer initiative's prize for advertising stem cell donations.

Joko and Klaas didn't just make the finder happy with their treasure hunt.
Joko and Klaas didn't just make the finder happy with their treasure hunt.

Joko Winterscheidt (45) and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (40) didn't just make one person rich with their treasure hunt after winning on the "Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben" show in 2023. They also raised awareness for stem cell donation during this campaign in November. They'll now receive the YES!Award Ring of Courage from the yeswecan!cer initiative. The Berlin-based non-profit organization shared this news.

The Ring of Courage award presentation will occur on May 4 at the YES!CON in Berlin, Germany's biggest cancer convention. Jörg A. Hoppe, yeswecan!cer founder, stated, "Your constant, clever, empathetic, and generous dedication to vital health issues and the fundamental principle of solidarity are priceless to everyone affected by cancer."

In November 2023, Joko and Klaas used the time they won from ProSieben for a campaign with the bone marrow donor center DKMS. They hid a million euros worth of treasure somewhere in Germany and asked viewers to register as stem cell donors while searching for it.

38,000 individuals joined the stem cell registry thanks to the treasure hunt

They hit their target of 10,000 new registrations within 24 hours. DKMS has reported that more than 38,000 people asked for donation kits as a result. The organization, which battles blood cancer, confirmed that three people have already received a stem cell donation.

"We wanted DKMS and, therefore, blood cancer patients to directly benefit from the campaign," explained Joko Winterscheidt. "I think it's crucial to emphasize the life-affirming aspect and get people who might feel hopeless due to their diagnosis out of that state with a lot of positive support," said Klaas Heufer-Umlauf.

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