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These treats may extend your lifespan.

Open the refrigerator door for longevity of up to a century.

Who would have thought that just two snacks could make us live longer?
Who would have thought that just two snacks could make us live longer?

Cheap "superfood" alternative available. - These treats may extend your lifespan.

There's been a lot of talk about so-called "superfoods" lately - foods that allegedly leave us feeling youthful, energetic, and sharp-minded. However, these "superfoods" often come with a steep price tag, making them inaccessible to the average person.

Dan Buettner, however, has been studying the diets of the world's centenarians for quite some time now, and he's uncovered some fascinating secrets.

► He's discovered two affordable snacks that can potentially help you live longer: black beans and walnuts.

Extending your life through targeted nutrients

So what sets these two snacks apart? Both black beans and walnuts are packed with fiber. This fiber reduces inflammation in the gut, and ultimately helps lower your risk for deadly diseases like cancer.

They're also rich in protein, which can help reduce cravings and decrease your risk of obesity. Obesity, in particular, is linked to a number of health issues that can shorten your lifespan significantly.

Walnuts are also an excellent source of linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids - nutrients that have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and longer life spans. These nutrients are found in especially high quantities in walnuts, unlike other nuts.

In Sardinia, where people routinely live past the century mark, their diet often includes a cup of chickpeas or field beans. In Costa Rica, a region known for its high number of centenarians, black beans are a staple in their diet.

Previous research supports his findings

A previous study even found that those who consume more than five servings of walnuts a week have an average life expectancy of about 1.3 years higher than those who don't.

► Moreover, another study revealed that those who eat walnuts regularly throughout their lives are more likely to engage in physical activity and enjoy a healthier heart. Needless to say, these benefits can contribute to a longer life.

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