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Then, a mistreated bear known as Mykhailo has been liberated from a hotel in Ukraine.

Mykhailo, who appeared emaciated and cried out in hunger, had been confined to an eight square meter hotel chamber for seven years. However, the brown bear is now making his way to a more fulfilling future, where he can escape his past as a tourist tourist attraction.

Mykhailo had been trapped in a cage measuring just eight square meters for seven years
Mykhailo had been trapped in a cage measuring just eight square meters for seven years

For seven years, he endured life inside a 32-square-foot confinement. - Then, a mistreated bear known as Mykhailo has been liberated from a hotel in Ukraine.

The animal rights activists are transporting a bear to the Alternative Bear Park in Worbis, Germany. They crossed the Polish border on Tuesday night after a meticulously planned and risky rescue operation that cost 90,000 euros.

A sad past for the bear named Mykhailo

Mykhailo, a brown bear, endured a seven-year ordeal in a steel-bar cage owned by a callous hotel owner in Ukraine. The purpose of this cruel confinement was for Mykhailo to entertain hotel guests. When animal welfare activists rescued Mykhailo at the end of 2023, his situation was dire. He was malnourished, his teeth were worn down or broken from biting the bars, and he even screamed from hunger.

As his owner successfully delayed the rescue for a long time, it wasn't until November 2023 that the activists succeeded in freeing Mykhailo from his cage. They then brought him to a sanctuary in Domazhyr, Ukraine, operated by the "Four Paws" organization. His initial transfer to a new, secure home would have been impossible due to his poor health.

Mykhailo's new home: Worbis

Cruel! The brown bear rubbed his fences by biting desperately at the bars of his cage

The bear park in Worbis spent months preparing for Mykhailo's arrival. They built a massive 73-meter fence at a cost of 73,000 euros and bought new surveillance cameras for 10,000 euros. The journey to Worbis spanned 2700 kilometers and cost an additional 5500 euros, including all necessary documents.

The Worbis team expressed their excitement about the impending arrival of Mykhailo. Park manager Sabrina Schröder commented, "We were at the Polish border in the evening and hope to reach Worbis by Wednesday evening. For security reasons, we only made the rescue operation public once we had crossed the border."

This is the third Ukrainian bear rescued by the Alternative Bear Park.

Bear park manager Sabrina Schröder initially kept the rescue operation secret for security reasons

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