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The Zwickau professional endured a true insult.

FSV Zwickau has released a statement in response to the racism incident targeted at an FSV Zwickau player during the fourth-tier match against Lok Leipzig.

Lloyd-Addo Kuffour was racially abused by supporters of FC Lok Leipzig
Lloyd-Addo Kuffour was racially abused by supporters of FC Lok Leipzig

Following a racial controversy in the fourth division football league. - The Zwickau professional endured a true insult.

In Leipzig, a FSV player with dark skin named Lloyd-Addo Kuffour (21) was subjected to racial slurs and anti-Semitic slurs as he headed to the locker room. The club from Zwickau has now disclosed the specifics of the abuse.

"Of course, we understand that there's often animosity in soccer - both verbally and otherwise," wrote FSV. "Emotions, provocation, and insults are inevitable on the field and in the stands. They're a common aspect of soccer culture for many fans."

However, the club draws the line at racist and anti-Semitic slurs like "Juden Zwickau" and "Bimbo," regardless of the stadium. Yesterday, it was one of their players who bore the brunt of these words, which have been typical since the past.

"While it's true that this isn't just an issue at 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig, it can take place in stadiums across Germany and Europe at any time," FSV's statement continued. "We in Zwickau have experienced this painfully. We would like to leverage these words to keep raising awareness and encourage everyone to stand up for themselves and those around them. Release your frustrations at the stadium, blow off steam during the game, and even go as far as to push things to the limits, but do so within the boundaries we've established in Zwickau."

Their association is built on the diversity of people from different backgrounds, origins, religions, genders, and political views. They strive for unity and inclusion, making them a stronger team. Consequently, they are committed to bringing people together rather than isolating them and addressing such incidents openly instead of keeping them silent.

After the final whistle of the 2-0 defeat, Zwickau filed a complaint with the NOFV. Lok Leipzig will aid in the investigation, including reviewing footage from the video cameras set up in the stadium.

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