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The state plans to increase financial support for officers experiencing physical and emotional distress.

The increase in attacks on police officers in Germany is triggering a shift in policy. Previously, perpetrators without identity or those with mental illnesses did not receive compensation for pain and suffering. This is about to change.

The coat of arms of the Baden-Württemberg police can be seen on the uniform of a policewoman.
The coat of arms of the Baden-Württemberg police can be seen on the uniform of a policewoman.

The government will be regulating the use of drones. - The state plans to increase financial support for officers experiencing physical and emotional distress.

Law enforcement officials hurt on the job will receive more assistance from the government moving forward, according to a recent announcement from the Ministry of the Interior. On Tuesday, it was made public that the cabinet had accepted an amendment to the State Civil Servants Act, which will enable the state to provide compensation for pain and suffering when the offender is indigent and the victim is thus incapable of pressing legal claims. In the future, the employer will also participate if the wrongdoer is mentally ill or extremely intoxicated, or if the perpetrator's identity is unknown. The ombudsman's office in the Ministry of the Interior will be in charge of deciding on the compensation amount and whether it is due.

Ralf Kusterer, the national leader of the German Police Union, expressed his approval of the deal. "It's comforting to know that we won't be left to fend for ourselves," he said. "The number of individuals who are drugged up, drunk, or mentally ill is on the rise."

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